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Knights of Columbus crowns free throw champions


Thirteen boys and two girls from the Storm Lake area were named local champions of the 2023 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship and have earned the right to compete at the district level. St. Mary’s Council 2326 in Storm Lake sponsored the local competition at St. Mary’s Gym. All youngsters ages 9-14 were eligible to participate. Amelia Horsey was the winner of the 10-year-old girls division. Kinley Brown won the 11-year-old girls division. Owen Foell edged out the competition in the 9-year-old boys division. Jaden Stangl was the 10-year-old boys champion. Chase Mathistad made 13 of 15 free throws to become the 11-year-old champion. The 12-year-old boys champion was Paul Maya. Each contestant was allowed 15 free throw attempts in the contest. Ties, though there were none, are settled by successive rounds of five free throws until a winner emerges. Each of the winners will compete in the district competition, which will be held at 1 p.m. on Feb. 12 at Newell-Fonda High School Gym with an eye toward moving on to the state and international levels.


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