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Letters we like


The Storm Lake Times Pilot receives hundreds of letters each year from our readers, most of which we publish as Letters to the Editor because they discuss topics of public interest. But we also receive a few personal notes as well, usually included when people mail in their subscription renewals. We don’t generally publish these but we certainly appreciate them when they tell us how much they enjoy their hometown newspaper.  Here’s a sampling of these comments about the value of hometown journalism. I didn’t include their names because I didn’t want to embarrass them and they sent them to us with no expectation of publication. “I so enjoy your articles about Cobblestone. My husband and I attended many dances. Do remember Louis Armstrong in the fall of 1954. We also enjoyed many Sunday dinners in the dining room. Memories!” “Please find my enclosed check to recognize your community newspaper and the incredible talent and heart! The independent documentary touched me. I am spreading the word. Maybe some of the good folks from where I live will see value and also contribute to keep the presses going of a small town newspaper. Blessings!” “Stay strong. Keep going.” “Thank you all so much for keeping us informed. Appreciate your effort.” “Just a note to express my gratitude and pay respect for your columnists. You have great depth and information.” “Keep doing what you’re doing! America and Democracy itself need a source of truth telling in the current media circus! You are very much appreciated!” “Love your editorials! Write on!” “Your op-eds and coverage are truth to heart. You all stand for truth and democracy!” “Keep up the good work!!” “We certainly look forward to reading the paper. Keep up the great work!” “We look forward to each issue!” “I enjoy your paper very much. Thanks for a great job.” “Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading each edition.” “I enjoy the paper very much. Thanks for what you do.” “Thank you! Love the editorials!” “Thank you for publishing this newspaper. I especially look forward to the editorials, but also love to follow the drama of the SL community!” “Great job! Fabulous editorials!” No, I didn’t make these up. I have them all on my desk if you’d like to stop by our office and see them. If I had made them up, I would have put in a couple saying how smart and handsome I am.  Not all of our messages are complimentary. We get a few each year that call us idiots, scum and — worst of all — liberals! But we don’t care what they call us as long as they keep reading. Thanks to all of our readers for your comments — kind and otherwise — and know that we appreciate you all.


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