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Let’s S T R E T C H together

Kayla Reetz introduces yoga to youth


Kids can benefit from yoga too. Kayla (Christ) Reetz, a 2006 Storm Lake High School graduate, led toddlers, children and teens in a session Saturday morning at Storm Lake Public Library.

These youngsters easily assumed poses adults find difficult, like the plank – balance on your toes and your hands with back perfectly straight – and the yogi squat – squat all the way down, balancing on your heels.

“I went to ‘Yoga for Teachers’ in 2017 and it totally changed my life,” said Kayla, who taught music in New Hampton. Not only was mindful education helpful to her students, but her own body positivity was boosted as she immersed herself in yoga.

Completing an extensive three-credit yoga course during the pandemic took Kayla even farther into the practice.

One would think yoga would be too boring for kids. “It’s hard for anyone to concentrate,” said Kayla. “When we practice mindfulness, it increases the body’s ability to access calm and reduce stress.”

Kayla would resign from her position as a music teacher, because of issues at the school, not because she didn’t like her career, she said. She and her husband Tyler moved back to Storm Lake and live with Kayla’s mother.

Kayla offers her own “Safe Harbor Yoga” with private children’s sessions, private adult sessions, themed birthday parties and small group sessions. If interested, her email is km.christ88@gmail.com.

Her dream is to have her own yoga studio in Storm Lake some day.


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