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Theft of 300 feet of copper gets sentenced


Sentenced to 5 years in prison

On Monday, Ricky Lee Habben, 40 had pled guilty to two counts of theft after he and two others were charged with stealing approximately 300 feet of copper wire from two wind turbines owned by Storm Lake Power Partners near Alta.

The thefts happened in March of this year.

Habben was sentenced to serve two concurrent terms of up to five years in prison and ordered to pay $2,025 for fines and surcharges associated with the case.

A $125 law enforcement initiative surcharge, $55 a day for the time he spent at the Buena Vista County Jail and other court costs that were associated with the criminal case must be paid as well.

Habben and his accomplices will be responsible for paying restitution totaling over $52,000 to the victims.

Habben has an extensive criminal history within the State of Iowa.

In 2006 he was sentenced to prison for attempted burglary in Humboldt County and has faced multiple drug charges.

At sentencing, the defendant attributed his criminal conduct to being, “Homeless, broke and started doing methamphetamine again.”

The defendant was represented by Andrew J. Smith of Storm Lake.

The State of Iowa appeared by Buena Vista County Attorney Dave Patton.


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