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Letters to the Editor: Vote for life


Mr. Cullen recently wrote: “The people of Iowa didn’t ask for an abortion ban, really.” So if this is really true, as we prepare to cast our votes in the 2024 presidential election, this letter is to all of you who proclaim Christ as your Lord and Savior and know the Scriptures as God’s Holy Word.

Go back 13 years with me to 2011 when several of us met with Sue Thayer in a warehouse on Railroad Street to explore the possibility of opening a Christian Pro-life center in Storm Lake. As a result, “Cornerstone For Life” was born! In October of the same year, we held a “40 Days for Life” event during which we prayed for LIFE for 40 days in front of the Planned Parenthood office on Erie Street. Four months later, Planned Parenthood closed its doors and Cornerstone for Life opened its doors! We began to offer ultrasounds and Christian counseling and guidance to bring hope, comfort and healing as we honored LIFE through the Gospel.

Some of you will remember what a privilege it was to walk alongside an unwed mother as she made the decision of adoption for her baby rather than abortion! More babies have been saved in the ensuing years. (Hmmmm... I wonder if Planned Parenthood councils moms about this option for LIFE?)

Fast forward to August 2024 during the Democratic National Convention, Oprah Winfrey dramatically proclaimed: “There can be no American dream without the right to abortion!” And as they say, the crowd went wild. In one of candidate Harris’ earliest political ads, she promised to “make sure every woman in America has the right to an abortion,” to the destruction of a newly created human life. This is NOT “reproductive health care!”

You and I must be faithful to reference the Word of God in Psalms 139, Job 31, Isaiah 44 and 49, Jeremiah 1, and Galatians 1 where the Lord says, “I set you apart before you were born.” .... “I knitted you together in your mother’s womb” .... “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” .... “My eyes saw your unformed substance.” Read again Luke 1 where His Word tells us what happened when Jesus’ newly pregnant mother, Mary, visits her pregnant cousin Elizabeth....”And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb.” There are two CHILDREN in this event... John the Baptist and Jesus, the Son of God. From the moment of conception, the womb holds a child... life... as science proves!

We don’t look to the world for truth or to the Times editorials! We look to God’s Word, to the One who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” All of you see the partial quote of Jesus from John 8:32 under every one of Mr. Cullen’s weekly editorials, but we know the entirety of what the Savior said, “If you abide in My Word then you are truly my disciples and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!”

Quite misleading of Mr. Cullen, don’t you think?

President Reagan once said, “I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born!”

A reader of the Sioux City Journal recently asked this question in a mini-editorial: “Can you think of anything more contradictory and wrong than for a nation to fine or punish someone for harming or killing a bird or animal yet allows someone to harm and kill a baby?”

I know I can’t... can you?

Karen Ploeger, Storm Lake


Who will best serve your pocketbook?

Harris will not raise YOUR taxes unless you make over $400,000. However, she proposes nearly $1 trillion in increases for corporations and wealthy Americans which would provide relief from our massive debt.

Companies that report more than $1 billion in income would pay a 15 % minimum; many have used deductions to pay little or no federal tax in the past.

Harris wants to restore an expansion of the child tax credit to a maximum of $3,600 per child and bring the credit to $6,000 for parents of newborns. These are not giveaways, but tax credits intended to assist struggling young families.

Trump proposes to cut corporate taxes and reduce tax rates for some individuals, wealthy individuals. His proposals would boost the after-tax incomes of households in the top 1% by 2.9% or an average of $61,090 and $252,300 for the top one-tenth of 1% according to the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution.

You decide. If your pocketbook does your voting, will Harris or Trump best serve you?

Christine Greene Louscher, Algona


Are Iowa political leaders out of touch?

Why are our political leaders in Iowa messing with our education system?

Iowa was among the best when I came to Iowa in 1972. What happened? Governor Ray welcomed Southeast Asians. They have done very well since. Iowa seemed to be making progress on our water problems around the turn of the century.

Lately, Iowa is overloading our state with CAFOs and manure. Education is under attack. Some think voter suppression is a good idea. Cutting off our meat industry labor supply seems crazy? Ignoring eminent domain and taking away local control! Really? It seems like “big money” and national political organizations are telling our political “leaders” what to do. Is it time to change direction and policy leaders here in Iowa.

Mike Delaney, Windsor Heights

Letters to the Editor


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