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Letters to the Editor: The master matrix is a joke


On Aug. 9 the Times Pilot reported that a factory farm hog confinement going up near Albert City got 450 points on the matrix.

Of course, these cookie cutter applications always got 450 because the Republican led Iowa legislature will not improve the matrix to be more environmental friendly.  I’m hoping you’ll reprint my letter to the editor from seven years ago to show how nothing’s changed and the Republicans don’t care and Iowa nice is a joke.

In 2018 a review of 16 matrix applications by Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and myself showed there’s the same dozen questions skipped on every application. Every question deals with the environment such as air filters, emergency containment, water monitors and the like.

These things should be mandatory not voluntary. The matrix is an unfailable test, a force to fool the public into thinking they’re protected.

Why do Iowans vote in these people who don’t care if you, your family or kids get cancer? Why? Iowa has the No. 2 rate for cancer in the nation and were working on No. 1. 

Dave Haynes, Duncombe


AACEF gives thanks

Thank you for your donation to the Alta-Aurelia Community Educational Foundation for our golf fundraising event! We appreciate your support in helping our teachers and students in the Alta-Aurelia Community School district.

The Alta-Aurelia Community Educational Foundation ignites the power of community, connects generous hearts and education, and provides the necessary resources for every child inside and outside the classroom through extraordinary learning experiences. 

Thank you again for contributing to a successful golf fundraising event!



Circuses need to change

We already know enough about elephants, tigers, bears and other wild animals to understand that it is wrong to haul them around the country and force them to perform ridiculous tricks amidst the chaos of a circus. Multiple undercover investigations have confirmed that animals in traveling shows experience abusive training and prolonged confinement in tiny cages or on chains. They are often denied exercise, clean cages, food, water and veterinary care.

These archaic shows should be relegated to the history books. Iowans should take a stand by not giving the these traveling shows of cruelty a dime of their money. Barnum and Bailey transitioned to circuses without animals. Culpepper and Merriweather Circus, which is transporting tigers around Iowa at this moment, should do the same. Iowa’s lawmakers should pass legislation to prohibit the use of wild animals in traveling circuses.

Lynn Gallagher, Solon

Letters to the Editor


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