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Editorial: Caucus for Hutchinson


Only one Republican presidential candidate has unequivocally condemned former President Donald Trump’s attempts to subvert the Constitution and democracy, which culminated at the Capitol with a failed insurrection. That candidate is Asa Hutchinson, former US attorney and governor of Arkansas. He deserves support in the Jan. 15 Iowa Caucuses.

Hutchinson is a man of integrity. He has a style that reflects the better qualities of a Southern gentleman. He is “pro-life.” He talks tough on immigration. He’s for lower taxes, less government and all that. He is the only candidate from rural America. He understands the farm bill. He knows cotton from corn. He checks all the GOP boxes except one: fealty to a traitorous Trump.

What we like most: Hutchinson is not mean.

Of course, he polls at about 1%. So did George McGovern the second time around, but we still liked him, another nice guy.

Hutchinson is not where the Iowa Republican caucus-goer is at. Trump is having a ball rallying in the Tall Corn State, enjoying a wave of support as he wends his way through state and federal courts. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are demonizing each other in a bid for second place. The torrent of TV ads would have you believe that Haley and DeSantis each are sleeping with the Chinese. Hutchinson has no money for slander, which should tell you who the only honest person is.

Who can beat Biden?

Trump already lost. Haley claims on a few stale polls that she is best able to dispatch the octogenarian. DeSantis seemed popular in Florida running against Charlie Crist. Chris Christie says … Chris who?

Trump has drawn nearly the entire Republican field into his swamp. Will Hurd of Texas was a straight guy. He dropped out. Nobody but Hutchinson is calling Trump out for his criminal behavior. The Arkansan offers the GOP a way back from the abyss but he is sure to be ignored.

Trump calls the Jan. 6 convicted insurrectionists patriots and hostages. He pledges to be a dictator, and to embark on a campaign of retribution against his enemies. He talks about suspending parts of the Constitution. His fans in Iowa lap it up. They are many. They are angry. They feel their voices are not heard. Trump is full of resentment, and so is Iowa. That’s why he is set to roll come Jan. 15 and all the others are destined for the shadows.

Hutchinson offers Republicans an alternative to the craven pandering to our worst instincts. That he engenders so little support speaks to how far the party that Lincoln elevated has fallen, and Iowa, too.


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