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Numerous Republican-led audits, in-depth investigations and testimonies have proven that no voter fraud or machine rigging occurred in the 2020 presidential election. Even former president Donald …

“American children… can’t add five plus five, but they can tell you that there are 87 different genders.” Said vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance while speaking at an …

State revenues are projected to drop by $1 billion over the next two years because of tax cuts, according to a report issued last week from the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference. The three-member …

If it ain’t one thing it’s another: prostate cancer (it’s the best cancer) with a shot of hot-flash hormone, macular degeneration, an enlarged aorta and a wobbly, cracked lower …

Monday, Oct. 14, the state of Iowa observed Indigenous Peoples Day (traditionally   called Columbus Day), in recognition of the roles native tribes have played in the state’s history and …

You can’t miss the non-stop political ads for Iowa’s House and Senate races. Many of the Republicans are crowing about raising teacher pay and commenting that Iowa Democrats voted against …

Even with the late spring rains and some gardens being flooded, we had an amazing array of garden vegetables this past market season.  Thank you to all our loyal customers and the new …

Wouldn’t you know that claims of bungling by Storm Lake and Buena Vista County officials probably won’t be heard in Buena Vista County? That’s right. The City of Storm Lake notes …

We’ve been in northwest Indiana for more than a week, taking care of our granddog Wrigley. Wrigley, a lovable four-year-old Mini Goldendoodle, lives with our daughter Bridget and …

A family acquaintance was on Vice President Dick Cheney’s Secret Service detail during George W. Bush’s presidency. His Christmas photo one year was a portrait of him, his wife and Cheney …

I’ve listened to and read the transcript of the interview you gave to Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the New York Times. You denigrated Kamala Harris numerous times in that interview, criticizing her …

“Democracy is only as good as the education that surrounds it.” — Socrates Iowa used to set the gold standard for education in the United States. For many years, Iowa’s …

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission — that toy poodle of a government watchdog overseeing the world’s largest agricultural and financial futures contracts –– is being …

Monday was Indigenous People’s Day, and Columbus Day. Federal holidays remind us of our history. On Oct. 11, 1845, the Meskawki people were formally dispossessed of their home as European …

Hospitals and high-tech manufacturers puckered up when Hurricane Helene blew through North Carolina. The storm threatened to flood out the quartz supply for semi-conductors and solar, and some …

Where are today’s Menachem Begins and Anwar Sadats? Or Yitzhak Rabins and Yasser Arafats? Without leaders of their stature and their willingness to compromise for the good of their people, …

Five authors wrote a letter printed Oct. 2, about why they’re voting for Trump despite not really liking him.   They properly cite issues as the reason to vote for a candidate, but most of …

This presidential campaign cycle has been relatively quiet in Storm Lake. Iowa was judged not to be in play long ago, left for Donald Trump and the Republicans. Recently, the Iowa Poll showed Kamala …

Newspaper people are painfully aware that many Americans don’t get their news from traditional trusted sources. For a variety of reasons these folks have turned instead to get their information …

In a town where Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than two to one, it was interesting to note the sprouting of a Harris-Walz sign here and there some weeks ago. Every few days, another one or …

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