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As the school year comes to its end, it’s time for final exams, and we have one for our readers. This will test your knowledge of current affairs on a local level. If you read the Times Pilot …

Freedom of religion is one of the most important rights guaranteed by theFirst Amendment. It’s cited in countless supreme court cases and affects our lives daily. One thing that is constantly being …

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not …

Innocents are slaughtered in schools, shopping malls and houses of worship. We are astonished that mass shootings are a weekly event. This is a direct coincidence with the massive effort by the gun …

You could see it coming down the tracks, that GOP freight train high-balling right into the past. They campaigned on it, the governor and her legislative allies: the gay bashing, the book banning, …

The big movement in news from print to digital overlooks an old but true adage: One picture is worth a thousand words. The Times Pilot certainly believes this. Each issue of our paper is filled with …

Climate change is scary and the news can be discouraging. So here’s a fun fact that helps us cope with the incessant wind that gives Storm Lake its name: 88% of MidAmerican Energy’s electricity …

The Iowa Legislature has passed, and Gov. Kim Reynolds is expected to sign, a bill that would effectively strip the state auditor of subpoena power when investigating government agencies, and would …

If you watch the Iowa Legislature in action, there are some truisms you see time and again.   Such as: Each political party is in favor of transparency and accountability — until they gain the …

Iowa’s congressional delegation mustered a goal-line defense for biofuel subsidies as the last holdouts to the House passing a debt ceiling bill that slashes government spending and sets up a …

Those property tax reductions are just around the corner, by gum, if the Iowa Legislature can ever adjourn. Despite having supermajorities in the House and Senate, the Republicans could not wrap up …

Buena Vista County officials are having buyer’s remorse over the Color-ize building because the Board of Supervisors never really made up its mind what to do with the building down Fifth Street …

I thought the often-repeated desire to weed out waste, fraud and abuse from government spending was something Republicans, Democrats and independents could all agree on in Iowa. Boy, am I naive. A …

As expected, President Joe Biden announced his re-election campaign this week. Democrats are nervous about his age: 80. Republicans say they savor the idea of running against him. Biden’s poll …

The Storm Lake City Council is looking into traffic cameras as a way to reduce speeding and other violations. A bill moved forward this week in the Iowa Legislature that would regulate how those …

There are days, when you write a newspaper column, that you just run out of things to write about. That’s me, today. Everyone has one good column in them. It’s the second, third and fourth that …

South School memories I was just reading the article about the Dick and Jane posters from the old South School ( “Fillers,” April 21 ). I lived in Storm Lake from 1993-2001. My son, Joshua …

Spring is an exciting time of year. As the days get longer and warmer, we feel a sense of renewal and revitalization. Our students are anticipating the end of the school year, outdoor activities are …

Score one for Iowa taxpayers’ right to know and the community newspaper industry, both of which have been threatened during this session of the Iowa Legislature by an attempt to kill public notices …

I said goodbye to an old friend yesterday —the church where I grew up. The church bell rang out across the town for the last time. The last hymn was sung. The last Gospel lesson was read. The last …

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